4 AI chatbot personas services, is it safe enough?IT 시사 및 인사이트 2024. 4. 3. 17:48
We are facing lots of AI service
which can use it for co-pilot or just fun etc..
And sometimes we find character's personas that we imagine before.
It can be movie character, anime, historical person or even boy/girlfriend.
I'll introduce four similar sites related to this.
let's see before we talk about our topic.
1. janitor.ai
( Janitor.AI provides various types of interactions and conversations )
2. Crushon.ai
( Crushon.AI offers NSFW (Not Safe For Work) character AI chats without filters )
3. Spicychat
( SpicyChat.AI can design multiple unique AI characters and either keep them private )
4. Yodayo
( catering to anime enthusiasts and VTubers,
offering a creative space where users can explore, generate, and share )
Each service provide similar fuction and also shows similar performance.
● Monthly visit over time
(2023/sep - 2024/feb)
Visit over the time pattern is quit similar
with the exception of the rise in janitor.ai's figures.
● Gender distribution
Gender distribution is generally higher in men.
it may because of characteristics of the site.
we'll find out this in audience interest.
lets see what is goes.
first, janitor.ai's topics distribution.
video games is main topic and it's pretty normal results.
Second, Crushon.ai.
Something is inside of topics distribution...and community follows in.
So how can we explain the latter's topic?
as we can see in industy distribution,
the biggest areas are games and 'adults'.
We can check this results in 'Age distribution'.
Most of users are between the ages of 18-34.
It opens up the possibility that AI characters may not be used
simply for everyday conversation.
It has lots of imagine, longing or even deep desire they have.
Service distributors have also disclosed various regulatory provisions
in advance with this in mind.
Especially like some of crushon.ai's and janitor.ai's regulations include.
Hope these guidelines and regulations are well followed.
The debate centers on whether services can effectively handle numerous deep desires
and the extent of permission granted,
raising questions about their ability to address individual deep desires adequately.
Is it safe enough?
What do yo think about it?
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